Holiday Fun in Richmond
With multiple daily routes arriving at Main Street Station and Staples Mill, Richmond makes for a perfect holiday destination, with a delightful mix of holiday festivities and outdoor adventures.

Downtown, visitors can enjoy exhibits and holiday events at Main Street Station itself, like the Visual Arts Craft and Design Show and a Winter Wonderland planned for December. Enjoy skating at the Downtown Richmond Ice Rink and see the James Center Lights, explore the beautiful Jefferson Hotel, visit the Holiday Villages at the Richmond Night Market, or see a classic performance of the Richmond Ballet’s The Nutcracker.

In the Fan and Museum district, the historic charm of Monument Avenue and Carytown's boutique shops decked out in holiday décor add a cozy feel to a brisk winter day. For art lovers, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts hosts special winter exhibitions, and the annual "Holiday Glitter: Monument Avenue After Dark" tour highlights the area's festive lights, or head to The Valentine Museum for the annual Winter Wander — a festive and historical holiday experience.

Whatever you are looking for, the city hosts holiday events suited for all types. View a wide variety of holiday events at Agecroft Hall, head to Maymont for the Merry Market, or for family fun, enjoy the Dominion Energy Christmas Parade, take in the dazzling lights at the Lewis Ginter GardenFest of Lights, or see Legendary Santa at the Children’s Museum of Richmond — and make sure to check out the Amtrak Virginia exhibit while you're there.

Explore all the Richmond region has to offer with a Tacky Light Tour, travel north to experience King's Dominion Winterfest, or make your own Brewery tour to check out the many artisan holiday pop-up shops featured in December.
Whether you're exploring nature or the city's vibrant cultural scene, Richmond offers a heartwarming winter experience. For a full list of events, visit our partners at Visit Richmond or stop by Virginia Tourism’s Virginia Welcome Center located on the first floor of Main Street Station.
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