Discover the Treasures of Newport News
Whether it's a Broadway show, a toe-tapping musical, a Civil War re-enactment or an outdoor food and wine festival there's always something to do in and around Newport News. The area's historical attractions and museums, architectural and historical landmarks, sporting, camping, fishing opportunities and natural parks are exceptional enough to attract experts.
A “must-see” is the Virginia Living Museum, where a single visit brings you in contact with more habitats, wildlife and plant species than would be encountered in a lifetime of outdoor adventures in Virginia. And don’t miss The Mariners’ Museum, designated by Congress as “America’s National Maritime Museum.” It includes the USS Monitor Center, home to artifacts like the Civil War Ironclad’s iconic gun turret. Spend the day in Newport News Park, one of the largest municipal parks in the country. At 7,711 acres, it is nine times larger than New York’s Central Park.
Getting There
Take the Northeast Regional to the Newport News, VA (NPN) and Norfolk, VA (NFK) and call a taxi to anywhere in the city.

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