Lynchburg is Trending Extraordinary
Lynchburg, Virginia is the place for history buffs, foodies, architecture lovers, arts aficionados and outdoor enthusiasts. The Crescent and Northeast Regional stop in Lynchburg every day giving visitors ample opportunity to enjoy our warm hospitality and engaging sites such as the National Medal winning Amazement Square Children's Museum, the prominent Point of Honor historic residence, the eclectic Old City Cemetery & Arboretum and the so much more. Scenic hiking/biking trails throughout the city and along James River tributaries, year-round skiing at Snowflex Centre and hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway make Lynchburg the perfect hub for your next adventure.
Getting There
Take the Northeast Regional or Crescent to the Lynchburg, VA (LYH) and take a five minute taxi ride or catch a bus to anywhere in the city.

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