Hampton Roads
Virginia's Coastal Gateway
Amtrak stations in Newport News and Norfolk, and Thruway Bus Service to Virginia Beach, make it easy to connect with Hampton Roads. For visitors, Amtrak opens a one-of-a-kind region blending urban excitement with boardwalk cool, creating getaway opportunities for every taste.
Soak up the sun on Atlantic or Chesapeake Bay beaches. Explore the harbor that enticed the first English settlers to sail to Jamestown. Visit the USS Wisconsin, a battleship turned naval museum. Bike the trails at Fort Storey, or hit the links at one of our regional golf courses. Enjoy waterside festivals year round, get cultured at local art and history museums, relax at world-class resorts or play at top-ranked theme parks. Whether raw, fried or steamed, you've got to try oysters from the bay.
For locals, Amtrak means avoiding traffic and riding comfortably (or working productively) to wherever you’re going. Whether you are a student, business traveler, member of the military or just visiting the region, the next time you need a connection in Hampton Roads, take the train.
Getting There
Hampton Roads Amtrak stations are located in Newport News, VA (NPN) and Norfolk, VA (NFK) with Thruway Bus Service available for passengers to travel to Virginia Beach, VA (VAB).

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