Thruway Bus Connections in Virginia

Traveling to and from Virginia on Amtrak has never been easier. In addition to the destinations and Virginia attractions Amtrak trains already reach, you can take Amtrak Thruway buses to connect with several Amtrak routes. Visit historic sites, experience the culture and cuisine, take a battlefield tour or vacation at one of the beautiful towns and beaches in Virginia with family and friends.
Amtrak Virginia Thruway buses connect at Charlottesville, Richmond – Staples Mill, Richmond Main Street, Lynchburg, Norfolk and Virginia Beach, with seamless, convenient connections to and from the Crescent, Cardinal and Northeast Regional.
Like our trains, Thruway buses utilize full-size, modern intercity coaches with comfortable reclining seats, at-seat electrical outlets, onboard restroom and WiFi. Book your ticket here on, through our mobile applications, 24 hours by phone or at the station. Thruway bus passengers must be ticketed before boarding the coach. Baggage is limited to two carry-on items. Checked baggage service is available on the Crescent and Cardinal services at Richmond – Main Street and Charlottesville stations.
Traveling to and from Virginia on Amtrak has never been easier. In addition to the destinations and Virginia attractions Amtrak trains already reach, you can take Amtrak Thruway buses to connect with several Amtrak routes. Visit historic sites, experience the culture and cuisine, take a battlefield tour or vacation at one of the beautiful towns and beaches in Virginia with family and friends.
Amtrak Virginia Thruway buses connect at Charlottesville, Richmond – Staples Mill, Richmond Main Street, Lynchburg, Norfolk and Virginia Beach, with seamless, convenient connections to and from the Crescent, Cardinal and Northeast Regional.
Like our trains, Thruway buses utilize full-size, modern intercity coaches with comfortable reclining seats, at-seat electrical outlets, onboard restroom and WiFi. Book your ticket here on, through our mobile applications, 24 hours by phone or at the station. Thruway bus passengers must be ticketed before boarding the coach. Baggage is limited to two carry-on items. Checked baggage service is available on the Crescent and Cardinal services at Richmond – Main Street and Charlottesville stations.
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