William H. Gray III Philadelphia 30th Street Station Investment and Development Program
William H. Gray III Philadelphia 30th Street Station Investment and Development Program
For more information about the station redevelopment, visit Gray30thStreetStation.com.
Project Status
In Construction
William H. Gray III Philadelphia 30th Street Station is a major multimodal transportation hub serving the greater Philadelphia region and is a vital link along the busy Northeast Corridor.
The historic Gray 30th Street Station is one of Amtrak’s great legacy stations, and when constructed in 1929, the massive neoclassical building was a symbol of the city’s expansion westward. The station is an anchor for the City of Philadelphia, which has entered a new era of growth and opportunity and the district around 30th Street Station is at the forefront of this renaissance. The station bridges the Center City business district and University City, home to several anchor institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, University City Science Center and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
As the third busiest station in Amtrak’s national system, Gray 30th Street Station serves Amtrak’s high speed Acela, Northeast Regional, Keystone and long-distance train services and Thruway Bus Service, serving over 4 million Amtrak rail passengers and over 12 million SEPTA and NJ TRANSIT rail commuters annually. The station complex is also a critical hub of city transportation services with dozens of subway, trolley, and bus routes serving the station. On an average weekday the station complex welcomes well over 100,000 people.
As a vital transportation gateway and treasured community asset, Amtrak is committed to the continuous improvement of 30th Street Station. In 2016, Amtrak, together with several partner organizations, completed the Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan, a two-year planning effort to create a vision for the 30th Street Station District in the year 2050 and beyond as a connected and inviting neighborhood, an incredible gateway for Philadelphia, and a center for new economic growth and opportunity.
Amtrak is now advancing the redevelopment of Gray 30th Street Station with a solicitation for a Master Developer Partnership to redevelop and expand the station facility. The goal of this Master Development Partnership is to attract a visionary team for Amtrak to partner with in order to maximize the opportunities at the station and to more effectively accommodate expected increases in ridership, along with tapping into unmet commercial potential.
In June of 2020, Amtrak selected Plenary Infrastructure Philadelphia (PIP), a team with international expertise to form a master development partnership via ground lease for the renovation of William H. Gray III 30th Street Station. The key team members who will design, build, finance, operate and maintain the station include Plenary Americas USA Ltd., one of the largest dedicated, public-private partnership developers in North America, who has partnered with Gilbane Building Company, Johnson Controls Inc. and Vantage Airport Group Ltd. The group was selected from a pre-qualified short list of teams following a Request for Qualifications in 2018.
In January 2024, Amtrak kicked off major construction on the Main Food Hall and South Concourse, which is expected to last approximately 18 months. During this time, dining options will be moved into the Main Hall as temporary vendor kiosks. After the Food Hall and South Concourse renovation is complete, passengers can expect expanded food options and waiting areas. Renovation work is also underway for the Amtrak corporate office space.
Program Photos

- Increased capacity
- Customer experience
- Connectivity
- Safety
- Economic development
- Amtrak
- Plenary Infrastructure Philadelphia
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