Amtrak Permit Process

Safety First
Safety is the first and foremost priority of Amtrak. Any access to or impact on Amtrak property or operations requires express written permission from the Railroad via a Temporary Permit (“PTE”). A PTE must be obtained through a formal application available here.
Impacts to the Railroad
Work on or near the Right of Way requires railroad protective services. The level of impact and proximity to the tracks or other infrastructure will determine the type and quantity of services required. Amtrak will prepare an estimate of the costs for railroad protection services payable at the time of signature. Notwithstanding, the permittee is responsible for paying for all costs incurred in relation to the PTE.
Railroad protective services are extremely limited in availability. Early PTE submission and coordination with Amtrak is highly recommended.
Preparing Your Application
Most PTE applications require that an agreement be in place between Amtrak and the applicant. Agreements are required for environmental work, soil disturbance, design reviews, large or complex construction projects and work that temporarily or permanently impacts Amtrak property or operations. If you're unsure whether an agreement with Amtrak is needed, contact before submitting your PTE application and non-refundable application fee.
Application Requirements
If the permittee is doing work on behalf of another entity, the PTE application must include all relevant information for the project sponsor; any agreements or task orders (such as PALs or PIs) between the project sponsor and Amtrak; and, at its discretion, Amtrak may require the project sponsor to execute the PTE.
Ensure you have an existing, fully signed agreement with Amtrak for design review, construction work, environmental, occupancy, access or other agreements related to the work.
In limited cases, no agreement is needed with Amtrak, such as for visual inspections, tree trimming and field surveys. Amtrak reserves the right to require a separate agreement at its sole discretion for any work.
When a design review agreement is in place for the work, the PTE applicant must ensure all drawings or plans have been submitted to and reviewed by Amtrak and obtain a letter of no exception (LNE).
For environmental work, submit your proposed testing/boring/sampling plan to Amtrak for approval and, if applicable, a copy of an executed site access agreement.
Required information includes the exact location of the work, distance from the centerline of the track, specific work activity being performed, dollar value of work and duration.
Processing Your Application
Exact location and scope of work must be included and all fields must be completed. Incomplete applications or applications without payment will not be processed.
Upon receipt of your PTE application, applicants will receive an email from Amtrak to confirm receipt of the submission and request any additional information if needed. If the application is approved, Amtrak will prepare the PTE and related documentation and transmit it for signature within six (6) weeks of receipt of all materials. Amtrak reviews each project independently to determine, at its sole discretion, the insurance requirements and the need for railroad protective services. Submitting an application does not guarantee approval.
Once signed, the PTE must be returned to Amtrak with proof of payment for all Amtrak costs, including the application fee, and proof of insurance coverage before execution by Amtrak.
PTE Checklist
- Completed online application
- Signed PTE (no revisions or edits permitted)
- Payment of $2,000 non-refundable application fee
- Site map
- Proof of insurance
- Proof of Railroad Protective Liability Insurance
- Payment of Amtrak costs for Railroad Protective Services
Emergency Applications
In the event of an emergency that requires immediate access to Amtrak property, send an email to Patrick Galella, with a copy to Your email should contain relevant details and photographs to demonstrate that the existing conditions pose an imminent risk to life, safety or railroad operations. You must submit an online PTE application simultaneously with all available information. Upon Amtrak's concurrence of an emergency, Amtrak will expeditiously prepare the PTE and coordinate schedules to perform the work. An executed PTE must be in place before any emergency work is performed.
PTE Application Steps
- Submit your completed PTE application
A complete application includes location, duration, scope of work and impact on railroad property. Failure to provide all information will result in delays in processing or rejection of your application.
- Send documents to Amtrak’s permit inbox
Relevant attachments include, but are not limited to: letters of no exception, site survey maps, and related design, construction or real estate agreements. Where an agreement is needed, do not submit a PTE application prior to finalization of that agreement.
- Pay the nonrefundable application fee
A $ 2,000 application fee is required for Amtrak to process your application. Payment does not guarantee approval of your application.
- Amtrak sends the PTE for signature
Amtrak will email the PTE for signature with the insurance requirements and applicable fees.
- Obtain Railroad Protective Liability Insurance
Amtrak requires Railroad Protective Liability Insurance for access to Amtrak property. This may be purchased from an insurance agent of your choice or you may be eligible for inclusion in Amtrak’s insurance program.
- Sign the PTE and send all required documentation
In addition to a signed PTE, you are required to email insurance documents demonstrating coverage and proof of payment of all applicable fees. The PTE terms are non-negotiable. Edits are not permitted.
- Amtrak counter-signs the PTE
Amtrak will review the signed PTE and documentation to confirm that all requirements have been met before signing the PTE.
- Schedule access to Amtrak property to perform the work
Amtrak will provide a point-of-contact for scheduling access. Entry is permitted only when accompanied by Amtrak personnel with an approved site safety work plan and completion of safety training.
Amtrak PTE Process: Application to Execution
- The applicant submits the PTE application with a non-refundable application fee.
- Amtrak reviews existing agreements related to the PTE application and/or determines if a new agreement is needed.
- If the existing agreement is sufficient and/or no new agreement is needed, Amtrak begins processing the PTE application.
- Amtrak confirms all information from the applicant is complete and/or obtains additional information if needed.
- Field coordination begins. The approved SSSWP must be in place for site access.
- Amtrak reviews the submission and if complete, counter-signs and distributes the PTE.
- Amtrak transmits the PTE for signature; the applicant signs the PTE and transmits payment and proof of insurance coverage.
- Amtrak prepares the PTE, work-specific insurance requirements and cost estimate for Railroad Protective Services.
For any questions concerning the permitting process, email us at
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