Engineering Practices and Standards Library
Welcome to the library of engineering practices, standards and related engineering resource documents.
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All documents requested from the Engineering Design Operations Team or downloaded here are considered Security Sensitive and are therefore controlled under 49 CFR Parts 15 & 1520. The release of these documents to unauthorized parties is deemed detrimental to the security of Amtrak and affiliated entities. No part of these records may be disclosed to persons without a “need to know” clearance, as defined in 49 CFR §1520.11, except with the written permission of Amtrak. Unauthorized release of documents or records or violation of this part is ground for civil penalty and other enforcement or corrective action.
EP2031 Track Monitoring |
PDF, 1.1MB |
EP2041 Track Maintenance Boundaries |
PDF, 287K |
EP3003 Blasting Procedures |
PDF, 27K |
EP3005 Pipeline Occupancy |
PDF, 95K |
EP3005 Section 02081A - Pipeline Occupancy Specifications |
PDF, 1.3MB |
EP3005 Section 02082A - Additional Requirements for (HDD) & Directional Boring |
PDF, 565K |
EP3006 Design and Construction Criteria for Overhead Bridges |
PDF, 94K |
EP3014 Maintenance and Protection of Railroad Traffic During Contractor Operations |
PDF, 95K |
EP3014 Section 01141A - Safety and Protection of Railroad Traffic and Property |
PDF, 21K |
EP3014 Section 01142A - Submission Documentation Required for Amtrak Review and Approval |
PDF, 16K |
EP3014 Section 01520A - Requirements for Temporary Protection Shields for Demolition and Construction |
PDF, 20K |
EP3014 Section 02261A - Requirements for Temp Sheeting and Shoring to Support Amtrak Tracks |
PDF, 391K |
EP3016 Storm Water Drainage and Discharge from Adjacent Property onto Amtrak Right-of-Way |
PDF, 27K |
EP3017 Requirements for Construction Design and Monitoring of Overbuilds and Adjacent Construction |
PDF, 24K |
EP3018 Construction of Structures by Third-Party Owner Contracts |
PDF, 217K |
EP4006 Overbuild of Amtrak Right-of-Way Design Policy |
PDF, 107K |
EP4010 Amtrak Engineering Practices CAD/BIM Implementation |
PDF, 127K |
EP5300 Procedures for Locating Buried Cables |
PDF, 1.6MB |
EP5401 Highway Crossing Emergency Notification Signs |
PDF, 1.1MB |
EP5902 Wayside Asset Database Change Management |
PDF, 295K |
EP7014 Required Equipment & Freight Car Clearances |
PDF, 674K |
AMTRAK DESIGN SPEC NO. 63 Amtrak Track Design Specification 63 |
PDF, 182K |
CE-4 Specification for Wire, Conduit and Cable Occupations in Electrified Territory |
PDF, 279K |
CE-500B Electrified Territory Outline Specification for Transmission and Distribution |
PDF, 309K |
DER Design Exception Request (Fillable Form) |
PDF, 158K |
SPEC NO. 150 Stormwater Management Policy |
PDF, 163K |
SPEC NO. 16064 Specification for Equipment and Vehicle Grounding Near Energized and Overhead Wires |
PDF, 975K |
AED-1 Procedures and Design Criteria for ET Qualified Consultants |
PDF, 305K |
AED-2 Catenary Structure Loading, Design Criteria & Standards |
PDF, 621K |
AMTRAK CWR PLAN Procedures for the Installation, Adjustment, Maintenance and Inspection of CWR as Required by 49 CFR 213.118 |
PDF, 2.5MB |
ET-1120-C Power Bonding of Structures in Electrified Territory |
PDF, 543K |
ET-1446-D Typical Protection Barrier in Electrified Territory O.H. Bridges |
PDF, 350K |
ET-1447-D Temporary Protection Shield & Barriers in Electrified Territory O.H. Bridges |
PDF, 266K |
AMTRAK MW 1000 Limits and Specifications for Track Safety, Maintenance and Construction |
PDF, 9.7MB |
AMTRAK DESIGN MANUAL Engineering Manual for Stations & Corporate Facilities Design Manual |
PDF, 22.7MB |
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