Personal Food, Beverages and Medication
Bringing Your Food Aboard
You may bring your own food and beverages onboard for consumption at your seat or private Sleeping Car accommodations. However, you can only consume food and beverages purchased in Dining and Lounge Cars in those cars. Personal food and beverages are allowed in the upper level of Superliner Sightseer Lounges.
Federal health regulations prohibit Amtrak personnel from handling your food, heating it in our ovens, or storing it in our refrigerators.
Planning for Contingencies
Unfortunately, trains are sometimes delayed and food supplies may become limited. If you have special dietary requirements, or a condition such as diabetes, we suggest that you carry sufficient food with you to meet your needs in the event of a delay or other contingency.
Alcoholic Beverages
We serve alcoholic beverages onboard trains in most Dining, Lounge and Cafe Cars.
Private Stock
You may bring aboard your own private stock of alcoholic beverages subject to the following limitations:
- You may consume private stock alcoholic beverages only in Sleeping Car accommodations for which you have a valid ticket.
- You may not consume private stock alcoholic beverages in any public areas.
Bring Your Medication With You
If you anticipate requiring medication en route, please carry it with you aboard your train. You must be capable of self-administering any medications you bring with you.
Do not pack your medication in checked baggage, or leave it packed in your car on the Auto Train, as you will not have access to your checked bags or vehicle during your journey.
Ice and Dry Ice
We can supply ice for your cooler/container to keep medication cool.
You may carry dry ice for your medication in checked baggage or carry-on baggage as long as it meets the proper conditions.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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