Special Items in Baggage

The following items will be accepted as carry-on and/or checked baggage in lieu of a piece of baggage. Special item fees may apply.
Archery Equipment
Bows of any type, arrows, archery supplies
Baby Items
Booster seats, car seats, folding strollers
Bicycles and Bicycle Trailers
Electric Bikes and Scooters
Firearms and Ammunition
Rifles, shotguns, handguns, starter pistols, BB guns, compressed air guns (including paintball markers), ammunition, taser guns
General Sporting Equipment
Balls, bats, cleats, fishing poles, helmets, pads, rackets, roller blades, skate boards, sticks (hockey/lacrosse). Allowance varies by sport.
Golfing Equipment
Golf bags, clubs, balls, shoes
Required Medical Devices
Common/powered wheelchairs, scooters, oxygen equipment, canes, walkers, dry ice for medication
Musical Instruments
Small musical instruments (flutes, small trumpets and harmonicas). Medium-sized musical instruments (guitars, trumpets and small saxophones). Oversized musical instruments (cellos, bass violins, bass saxophones and tubas).
Skis and Snowboards
Snow skis, water skis, snowboards, poles, boots
Surfboards, Wakeboards and Skegs
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