NextGen Acela Fleet
NextGen Acela Fleet
The trains are being manufactured at Alstom’s facility in Hornell, NY.
Project Status
In Production
Amtrak is contracting with Alstom to produce 28 next-generation high-speed trains that will replace the current fleet of Amtrak's premium Acela service.
Building on Amtrak’s expertise as the only high-speed rail operator in the U.S. and Alstom’s record of delivering world class, proven, high-speed trainsets — Amtrak and Alstom have partnered to introduce the NextGen Acela.
The contract is part of a $2.45 billion investment in the heavily traveled Northeast Corridor (NEC) as part of a multifaceted modernization program to renew and expand Acela service. With 95% of the trainset components being made in America, our new trainsets have generated over 1,300 new jobs in over 90 cities across the United States.
With the introduction of the new fleet, Amtrak is reimagining the future of rail and setting the stage for the next generation of train travel in America and on the NEC. Elevating the travel experience, the NextGen Acela offers enhancements in comfort, technology, innovation and safety on Amtrak’s most environmentally sustainable fleet of trains to date. Designed with the customer in mind, it has nearly 25% more seats with plenty of legroom, personal outlets and USB ports, complimentary WiFi, sophisticated onboard information systems and spacious restrooms with contactless features.
The NextGen Acela trainsets will operate at top speeds of 160 mph vs. today’s fleet, which operates at top speeds of 150 mph.
The NextGen Acela fleet is scheduled to enter service on the NEC in Spring 2025.
NextGen Acela Photos

- Increased capacity
- Safety
- Passenger service
- Connectivity
- Environmental impact
- Amtrak
- U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration
- Alstom
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