
Situated halfway between Chicago and Detroit or 45 minutes from the sandy shores of Lake Michigan to the West, Kalamazoo is an ideal location for your next getaway. Hop on the train in downtown Chicago and a two-and-a-half hour journey will wind you through the beautiful west coast of Michigan, ending within steps of all the charming local restaurants breweries, festivals and attractions of downtown Kalamazoo. You can even bring your bike along and ride from downtown Kalamazoo to Lake Michigan along the 35-mile Kal-Haven trail.
Getting There
Take the Wolverine or Blue Water to the Kalamazoo station. With four round trip trains a day, it's easy to find one that works for you.
Situated halfway between Chicago and Detroit or 45 minutes from the sandy shores of Lake Michigan to the West, Kalamazoo is an ideal location for your next getaway. Hop on the train in downtown Chicago and a two-and-a-half hour journey will wind you through the beautiful west coast of Michigan, ending within steps of all the charming local restaurants breweries, festivals and attractions of downtown Kalamazoo. You can even bring your bike along and ride from downtown Kalamazoo to Lake Michigan along the 35-mile Kal-Haven trail.
Getting There
Take the Wolverine or Blue Water to the Kalamazoo station. With four round trip trains a day, it's easy to find one that works for you.
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