Take the Train to College in Michigan
Students Save 15% on Travel
Michigan has almost 100 colleges and universities across the state. If you are considering a visit to a college town in Michigan, you have plenty to choose from. Below are samples of exciting college trips that you can plan along the three Amtrak train routes in Michigan. Book today and save 15% on your travel on select Midwest routes.
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan
From the main campus to the north campus, each branch of this sprawling university spreads culture throughout town. The arts department brings world-class performers like Yo-Yo Ma and the National Theatre of Scotland. Sports fans follow the waves of maize and blue to Crisler Center for hoops action and Yost Ice Arena for raucous Wolverines games. Everybody eventually hits Zingerman's Deli founded by Michigan alums for sandwiches even a president loves (Barack Obama called the Reuben "killer").
Kalamazoo - Western Michigan University (WMU)
Academia shapes Kalamazoo in quirky ways, from the deep craft beer scene at Bell's Brewery and nearly a dozen other brew pubs (students can pursue a first-in-the-nation sustainable brewing degree) to its aviation emphasis (one of the top majors at WMU). The Smithsonian Institute-affiliated ode-to-flight Air Zoo has more than 50 rare and historical aircraft, the Midwest's first 4-D theater and rollicking rides. Out-of-this-world exploration continues at the planetarium in the Kalamazoo Valley Museum.
Holland - Hope College
The few blocks between this college and community do little to separate them. A 250-year-old windmill provides tangible evidence of the common Dutch heritage, but events unite everyone. In the heart of campus, the new Kruizenga Art Museum displays 1,000 pieces of art and Knickerbocker Theatre presents lectures, art flicks and musical productions. Two alumni have made an art of beer-making for the past 20 years, turning New Holland Brewing Company into a major player in the suds industry; it now distills spirits and tosses creative pizzas.
Lansing/East Lansing - Michigan State University
East of the capital, this college town is home to nearly as many students as residents — about 49,000 of each. This means about half of the town empties out at winter break, resulting in plenty of elbowroom for exploring the town without the gowns. Take advantage of the quiet to contemplate contemporary and ancient art from around the world at the steely, spaceship-like Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, designed by London-based radical architect Zaha Hadid.

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