Get the Most Out of Your Next Weekend Getaway with Train Travel

The Convenient, Stress-free Nature of Amtrak Train Travel and the Onboard Experience Enhances Any Weekend Travel Adventure
Do you feel like you need to get away from it all sometimes? A small break from hectic modern life can be both relaxing and invigorating. Remember, getting away doesn't necessarily mean planning a big, elaborate vacation across the globe — some of the most sensational destinations are sprinkled throughout the U.S. and are easily accessible by planning a weekend getaway.
Whether you travel somewhere in your home state or head to another region of the country, traveling by train offers many benefits. First, by skipping congested roads and hectic airports, you can drastically cut stress levels. Additionally, the onboard experience adds a touch of comfort to your weekend travel excursion. With amazing Amtrak customer service, roomy seats, delicious food and many other amenities, you're sure to travel in style no matter where you're headed.
There's a weekend travel deal for any type of traveler. Here are a few ideas that will inspire you to book now and start packing your bags:

Couples are sure to love a long weekend sampling some of the best wines our country has to offer. Book a Napa Valley wine tasting weekend getaway. The area is ideal for car-free travel, meaning travelers can save on gas, vehicle wear and tear, and the hassles that come with driving. There are numerous train routes criss-crossing northern California, including:
Couples are sure to love a long weekend sampling some of the best wines our country has to offer. Book a Napa Valley wine tasting weekend getaway. The area is ideal for car-free travel, meaning travelers can save on gas, vehicle wear and tear, and the hassles that come with driving. There are numerous train routes criss-crossing northern California, including:

Groups of Friends
Why not hit the slopes with your best friends and create memories to last a lifetime? Epic hills and pristine scenery can be found in Vermont. Plan a weekend trip to this gorgeous area and stay at numerous outstanding resorts. Kick start your getaway with a scenic train ride, an excellent way to access the slopes. Remember, Amtrak makes it easy and affordable to travel with ski equipment — allowing you to bring skis free of charge in lieu of a piece of baggage.
Groups of Friends
Why not hit the slopes with your best friends and create memories to last a lifetime? Epic hills and pristine scenery can be found in Vermont. Plan a weekend trip to this gorgeous area and stay at numerous outstanding resorts. Kick start your getaway with a scenic train ride, an excellent way to access the slopes. Remember, Amtrak makes it easy and affordable to travel with ski equipment — allowing you to bring skis free of charge in lieu of a piece of baggage.

Family Fun
With plenty of room to stretch and roam, train travel is ideal for families. Find a weekend getaway deal for your family to one of the big cities throughout the country. From shopping, sightseeing and museums, there's sure to be something for everyone. Some of the top family-friendly cities include:
- New York City
- Chicago
- Boston
- Washington, DC
- Seattle
- Los Angeles
Family Fun
With plenty of room to stretch and roam, train travel is ideal for families. Find a weekend getaway deal for your family to one of the big cities throughout the country. From shopping, sightseeing and museums, there's sure to be something for everyone. Some of the top family-friendly cities include:
- New York City
- Chicago
- Boston
- Washington, DC
- Seattle
- Los Angeles
Another great weekend getaway adventure for families is an excursion to a national park. Travel to our nation's national park system by train and you'll get there with ease so you can enjoy the best of the outdoors when you arrive. Top park destinations include Glacier, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Everglades, Sequoia and Kings Canyon.
No matter what your budget, a great weekend getaway can be in your future. Amtrak discounts include:
Save more with your favorite people when you book with our Share Fares
Seasonal deals by region
Now it's time to pack your bags and imagine the possibilities for the weekend.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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