Business Class Seat
Business Class Seat
Enjoy the exclusive amenities that come with traveling in Business Class — a premium, enhanced experience offered on most corridor services across the Amtrak system. Specific features vary by route, but Business Class includes extra legroom, a wide and comfortable seat, and a complimentary non-alcoholic beverage (not offered in Acela Business Class). On many routes in the Northeast, seat selection is offered, providing a more seamless boarding experience and taking the guesswork out of finding a seat. Additionally, Business Class customers receive a 25% bonus on Amtrak Guest Rewards points.
Seat Orientation
Many of the routes within our network feature fixed forward and backward seating. Passengers traveling in Business Class can change their seats once their reservation is complete. The ability to select seat orientation is subject to availability.
Traveling with Car Seats
Child car seats cannot be secured to any seats onboard Amtrak trains or buses. Passengers traveling with an infant/small child in a child car seat may place the seat in a vacant seat only if it is not needed for a paying passenger; children under 2 years of age may be required to ride on the passenger’s lap and the child car seat stored in an appropriate baggage area.
Devices with Sound
We ask that all passengers use earphones or headphones for sound-emitting devices.

Booking Business Class for Your Next Trip
Business Class seats on Acela can be found in the Sale, Value and Flex Fare columns on the fare results page(s). For all other trains, available Business Class seats will be listed under the Business Fare column on the fare results page(s).
Booking Business Class for Your Next Trip
Business Class seats on Acela can be found in the Sale, Value and Flex Fare columns on the fare results page(s). For all other trains, available Business Class seats will be listed under the Business Fare column on the fare results page(s).
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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