Seat Selection
Seat Selection
Seat selection allows for seamless boarding and takes the guesswork out of finding your seat.
Seat selection is available on Acela and in Business Class on Northeast Regional, Carolinian, Palmetto and Vermonter. During booking, you will have the option to review and change your pre-selected seat before you complete your reservation. You can still change your assigned seat and choose a different seat at any time after your booking is complete by viewing your reservation in the Amtrak app or on Amtrak.com. There is no fee to change your seat.
Change Your Seat
Retrieve your reservation to change your seat selection any time after your booking is complete.
Acela Business Class
Acela Business class is made up of five cars within the six-car train. The Quiet Car is located in Car 2 and the Cafe Car is located in Car 4. Most Acela trains have fixed forward and backward seating. Seats at the conference tables and at the bulkhead do not rotate, so may be rear-facing during the trip.
Acela First Class
The First Class car on Acela, Car 1, is always either the first or the last car on the six-car train. In general, northbound Acela trains that originate in Washington have First class at the rear. Southbound Acela trains that originate from Boston have First class at the front. Most Acela trains now have fixed forward and backward seating.
Business Class on Palmetto
The Business class car is the last car on the train and includes seats that are rotated to be forward-facing. Seats at the conference tables do not rotate, so may be rear-facing during the trip.
Business Class on Vermonter
The Business class car on these is adjacent to the Café Car. All the seats are rotated by the train crew to face forward.
Business Class on Carolinian and Northeast Regional
The Business class cars on these trains are rotated so approximately half of the seats face forward and the remaining seats face backward.
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