The Gateway Program
The Gateway Program
For more information, including community engagement schedules, program updates and additional resources, visit AmtrakNewEra.com/Gateway
The Gateway Program is a series of rail infrastructure projects that will improve the most congested 10-mile section of the Northeast Corridor, adding needed resiliency and creating the capacity for a doubling of passenger trains under the Hudson River into New York - Penn Station — the nation's busiest rail facility.
The Gateway Program will create four mainline tracks between Newark, NJ, and New York - Penn Station, where there are currently just two. Work includes a new tunnel under the Hudson River, rehabilitation of the existing century old tunnel, new tracks and platforms at New York - Penn Station, new Portal North and South Bridges over the Hackensack River in New Jersey, construction of loop tracks in Secaucus and replacements for the Sawtooth Bridges, among other needed improvements.
Get more information about the Gateway Program from the Gateway Development Commission.
Project Status
In Construction

- Adds resiliency to meet future climate challenges
- New capacity allows expansion of commuter & intercity services
- Increases reliability for riders by modernizing aging infrastructure
- Creates jobs and boosts economic growth
- Amtrak
- The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- State of New Jersey
- State of New York
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- Gateway Development Commission
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