Celebrating the Past, Looking To the Future

Celebrating the Past, Looking To the Future
Even as Amtrak honors and commemorates its first 50 years, we're looking to the future and its next half-century of service.
In the post-pandemic era, Amtrak will continue focusing on infrastructure investments to continually improve its services. The company recently announced the launch of Amtrak Connects Us, a comprehensive vision for providing frequent, reliable, sustainable and equitable rail service to more Americans. Over the next 15 years, Amtrak envisions connecting over 160 communities across the United States by building new or improved rail corridors across more than 25 states. This corridor expansion will create more than 500,000 new jobs.
Along with its infrastructure plans, Amtrak will continue to address the environmental impacts of transportation as well as adaptations necessary to combat climate change. Although Amtrak trains consume less energy per passenger mile than airplanes, automobiles and trucks, we've has announced an aggressive goal to further reduce emissions by 40 percent from 2010 to 2030. Its Climate Resiliency Strategic Plan identifies climate risks, outlines goals and objectives, and is supported by external climate experts.
In addition to its infrastructure and sustainability efforts, Amtrak is modernizing its fleet. Siemens Mobility USA will manufacture over 80 new Intercity Trainsets (ICTs) that will operate along the Northeast Corridor and other state routes. These modern ICTs will be safer, increase passenger capacity and reduce carbon emissions. Next year, the new Acela fleet will begin revenue service, setting the stage for the next generation of high-speed train travel on select routes in the Midwest and on the Northeast Corridor.
Other modernization projects will take place at Amtrak’s major stations in Chicago, Washington, DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Learn more about Amtrak’s plans for the future in our Service and Asset Line Five-Year Plan and by visiting Amtrak Connects Us.

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