Amtrak is Committed to Sustainability

Amtrak is Committed to Sustainability
At Amtrak we are committed to sustainability and are actively taking steps to improve our environmental impact. Since 2010, we have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 20%; our goal is to double that number by 2030. Amtrak aims to reach this goal through focused efforts such as reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and investing in energy efficient fleet such as Charger locomotives that operate on State Supported services including Amtrak Cascades, Amtrak California and Amtrak Midwest Services and the new Acela fleet which will begin to operate on the Northeast Corridor in 2022. In addition, as many customer mindsets have evolved over time to a more eco-conscious focus, Amtrak will continue to inform and educate our customers on how traveling by train helps the environment. Keeping customers informed will help Amtrak and our customers make notable differences in overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Learn more about our sustainability goals as we celebrate Amtrak’s 50th and look towards the future.
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