Passenger Discount for Military Veterans
Veterans of the United States Military with valid military veteran identification card receive a 10% discount on the lowest available rail fare on most Amtrak trains. Veterans must have served in one of the following branches:
- Army
- Navy
- Air Force
- Marine Corps
- Coast Guard
- NOAA Corps*
- Space Force
- U.S. Public Health Service*
- U.S. Merchant Marine*
*Commissioned officers only
Discount Limitations
- The veteran discount does not apply to non-Acela Business class, First class or sleeping accommodation. These upgrades are permitted upon payment of the full accommodation charges.
- The veteran discount is not valid for travel on certain Amtrak Thruway connecting services.
- The veteran discount is not valid on the Canadian portion of services operated jointly by Amtrak and VIA Rail Canada.
- The veteran discount may not be combinable with other discount offers; refer to the terms and conditions for each offer.
- Additional restrictions may apply.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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