Tracie Winbigler

Executive Vice President, Business Transformation and Chief Financial Officer
Tracie Winbigler joined Amtrak in June 2019 as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). In March 2023, Tracie’s role expanded to include Business Transformation. Her current portfolio encompasses the Financial Planning & Analysis, Accounting, Audit, Treasury, Controls, Continuous Improvement and Procurement & Supply Chain groups, as well as High Speed Rail (HSR) Development Programs.
Tracie focuses on strategic business issues critical to Amtrak’s growth, such as vital infrastructure and fleet acquisition projects made possible by a transformative level of funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Priority areas for Tracie include our Continuous Improvement program and advancing our long-term HSR strategy, with an emphasis on expanding HSR beyond the Northeast Corridor.
Prior to Amtrak, Tracie most recently served as Senior Vice President and CFO at Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI), where she led the Financial, Procurement and Asset Protection teams for the $2.7 billion cooperative between December 2015 and June 2019. Earlier, Tracie was at the National Geographic Society, joining the company in 2012 as CFO and later earning a promotion to Chief Operating Officer, responsible for corporate strategy and all aspects of financial operations.
Tracie started her career at General Electric, beginning with the Finance Management program and Corporate Audit staff. During her 25-year tenure at GE, Tracie held a series of divisional CFO roles, including businesses such as GE Nuclear, GE Transportation, GE Asset Management and Integrated Media for NBC Universal.
Tracie is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University.
Executive Vice President, Business Transformation and Chief Financial Officer
Tracie Winbigler joined Amtrak in June 2019 as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). In March 2023, Tracie’s role expanded to include Business Transformation. Her current portfolio encompasses the Financial Planning & Analysis, Accounting, Audit, Treasury, Controls, Continuous Improvement and Procurement & Supply Chain groups, as well as High Speed Rail (HSR) Development Programs.
Tracie focuses on strategic business issues critical to Amtrak’s growth, such as vital infrastructure and fleet acquisition projects made possible by a transformative level of funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Priority areas for Tracie include our Continuous Improvement program and advancing our long-term HSR strategy, with an emphasis on expanding HSR beyond the Northeast Corridor.
Prior to Amtrak, Tracie most recently served as Senior Vice President and CFO at Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI), where she led the Financial, Procurement and Asset Protection teams for the $2.7 billion cooperative between December 2015 and June 2019. Earlier, Tracie was at the National Geographic Society, joining the company in 2012 as CFO and later earning a promotion to Chief Operating Officer, responsible for corporate strategy and all aspects of financial operations.
Tracie started her career at General Electric, beginning with the Finance Management program and Corporate Audit staff. During her 25-year tenure at GE, Tracie held a series of divisional CFO roles, including businesses such as GE Nuclear, GE Transportation, GE Asset Management and Integrated Media for NBC Universal.
Tracie is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University.
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