Amtrak Alerts Information and updates affecting travel
- Infrastructure Work Impacts Northeast Regional Service
- Effective Fridays - Mondays, February 21 - March 10, 2025
Located directly across from New York Penn Station at 8th Avenue in the historic James A. Farley Post Office Building, Moynihan Train Hall features state-of-the-art technologies and amenities, and a spacious boarding concourse that bathes in sunlight from the 92-foot-high skylights.
Moynihan Train Hall is closed overnight from 1:00am to 5:00am. During this time all Amtrak services, including baggage, Red Cap and access to platforms, will be handled at Penn Station (8th Ave. and 31st St., adjacent to Madison Square Garden).
Learn more about the NextGen Acela fleet, scheduled to enter service on the Northeast Corridor in Spring 2025.
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