Yosemite National Park

Located in Central California's Sierra Nevada mountain range, Yosemite National Park encompasses an incredible 1,170 square miles of breathtaking natural splendor — ranging in altitude from 2,000 feet to more than 13,000 feet above sea level. Though the pristine environment of Yosemite is passionately protected, the Park offers a host of year-round conveniences and guest services so that visitors can make the most of their experience.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Merced, CA Station (MCD). Once you arrive at the station, you'll to transfer to Amtrak Thruway Bus (Route 15), which takes you directly to Yosemite Valley. This bus route is serviced by the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS), which operates both shuttle vans and luxury motorcoaches. Best of all — when purchasing Amtrak tickets to Yosemite, the (shuttle) bus ride and admission to the park are included.
Located in Central California's Sierra Nevada mountain range, Yosemite National Park encompasses an incredible 1,170 square miles of breathtaking natural splendor — ranging in altitude from 2,000 feet to more than 13,000 feet above sea level. Though the pristine environment of Yosemite is passionately protected, the Park offers a host of year-round conveniences and guest services so that visitors can make the most of their experience.
Getting There
Take the San Joaquins to the Merced, CA Station (MCD). Once you arrive at the station, you'll to transfer to Amtrak Thruway Bus (Route 15), which takes you directly to Yosemite Valley. This bus route is serviced by the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS), which operates both shuttle vans and luxury motorcoaches. Best of all — when purchasing Amtrak tickets to Yosemite, the (shuttle) bus ride and admission to the park are included.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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