Sacramento Morning Express
We're launching Morning Express Service Monday, May 7. This new service will depart from the downtown Fresno Station (FNO) and bring riders throughout the San Joaquin Valley to Sacramento before 8:00 am on weekdays and around 8:30 am on weekends and holidays.
How Do I Get from the Station to My Destination?
Transfer to Sacramento Regional Transit’s local bus and light rail system when you arrive in Sacramento. The station is only a short walk from the Capitol, as well as many state agencies and downtown businesses.
Does the San Joaquins Offer Discounts?
Will this Service Connect with the ACE Rail Service?
Yes. At the Stockton Station (SKT/Cabral Station), Morning Express connects to the Altamont Corridor Express (ACE Rail) service to San Jose. Northbound the train connects to ACE 5 and 7. Southbound the Train connects with ACE 4.
What Can I Expect Onboard?
San Joaquins onboard amenities make travel time much more productive and enjoyable compared to driving. Enjoy comfortable seating and free Wi-Fi to work or relax while you ride. Trains also feature a regional selection of snacks, sandwiches, coffee, craft beer and more.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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