California State University, Sacramento (CSUS)

California State University, Sacramento, also known as Sac State, is located just a few miles from California's Capitol. Classrooms, labs, offices, and other facilities are nestled in a 3,500-tree urban forest alongside the American River. The university is home to bustling college life on campus, with a diverse student body of 29,300. Each year, the university's seven colleges award 6,500 degrees to students who pick from 58 undergraduate majors and 41 master's degrees, six post-baccalaureate certificates and two doctoral degrees.
Getting There
Take San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, take Bus 30 towards Downtown - CSUS. Arrive at Carlson Drive and State University Drive North. Travel time from the Sacramento station is about 40 minutes.
California State University, Sacramento, also known as Sac State, is located just a few miles from California's Capitol. Classrooms, labs, offices, and other facilities are nestled in a 3,500-tree urban forest alongside the American River. The university is home to bustling college life on campus, with a diverse student body of 29,300. Each year, the university's seven colleges award 6,500 degrees to students who pick from 58 undergraduate majors and 41 master's degrees, six post-baccalaureate certificates and two doctoral degrees.
Getting There
Take San Joaquins to the Sacramento, CA Station (SAC). From the station, take Bus 30 towards Downtown - CSUS. Arrive at Carlson Drive and State University Drive North. Travel time from the Sacramento station is about 40 minutes.
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