First Class Accommodations and Service for Acela Passengers
Roomy, Comfortable Seating
While in Acela First Class, you'll relax in spacious one-by-two seating. All of our seats have adjustable headrests, lumbar support, footrests and handy individual outlets to charge up your device. Conference tables, with seating for two or four, are available. A luggage tower and oversized overhead bins enable easy storage of carry-on luggage. Complimentary Wi-Fi is also available. Amtrak Guest Reward members traveling in First Class receive a 50% point bonus.
See how spacious the Acela seating is compared with most airlines.
Seat Selection Available on All Acela Trains
Prior to your trip you can select your preferred seat in First Class and Business Class on all Acela trains. Choose between fixed forward and backward seating, a single or double seat, a window or an aisle, or a two- or four-person conference table. Have more peace of mind knowing your seat is waiting for you.
When you make your reservation on Acela, you will have the option to review and change your pre-selected seat before you complete your reservation. You can still change your seat selection to choose an available seat at any time after the reservation is complete. Just find your reservation in the Amtrak app or visit "My Trip" on There is no fee to choose or change your seat.
At-Seat Service Onboard
Once onboard, you'll enjoy at-seat service provided by our onboard staff of First Class attendants. They'll be pleased to provide you a complimentary meal and a beverage of your choice, and will be available to help you throughout your journey.
Learn more about the Acela First Class dining experience.
Exclusive Access to Station Lounges
Acela First Class service starts with access to station lounges in several northeast major stations — Boston - South Station, New York - Moynihan Train Hall, Philadelphia - William H. Gray III 30th Street Station and Washington, DC - Union Station with Wi-Fi available. There, you can access your email, conduct a meeting in the conference room, or simply relax and enjoy a complimentary snack. Attendants are available to offer assistance and to direct you to your train.
Visit Station Lounges for more details.
Book your Acela First Class ticket today and begin enjoying a higher class of service.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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