California Students Save 15% on Train Travel
California Students Save 15% on Train Travel
California Everyday Discount for Students
Students ages 13 - 25 can enjoy a 15% savings on select routes in California, including the Pacific Surfliner, Capitol Corridor and San Joaquins. Study, read, sleep or just enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way to great destinations, including San Diego, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara; Bakersfield, Fresno and Stockton; as well as the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley, and Sacramento, and more. With onboard WiFi, power outlets and bike racks, the train is a smart way for students to travel through the Golden State.
To take advantage of this offer, select “Adult” as your Traveler type when booking using the widget above. Your discount will apply automatically to fares when
qualifying travel is selected. If using the mobile app please use promo code V353 when booking.
For other offers available on the Pacific Surfliner, Capitol Corridor and San Joaquins trains, please visit our California Everyday Discounts page.
- Valid for 15 percent off the regular (full) adult rail fare.
- Valid for Travel:
- Capitol Corridor, Pacific Surfliner, San Joaquins, and Associated Thruways only (except not valid on 7000-8999 series)
- Valid in coach or business class
- No advance purchase required
- Blackout Dates:
- November 25 - 26, 2025, November 29, 2025 - December 1, 2025
- November 24-25, 2026, November 28-30, 2026
- November 23-24 2027, November 27-29, 2027
- November 21-22, 2028, November 25-27, 2028
- Not combinable with any other discount offer
- Not valid for bookings made with Amtrak Guest Rewards Points
- Not valid for Points & Cash bookings
- Seating is limited & may not be available on all trains at all times
- Fares are subject to availability
- Subject to any restrictions, blackouts, and refund rules that apply to the type of fare purchased
- Routes and schedules are subject to change without notice
- Once travel has begun, no changes to the itinerary are permitted
- Other restrictions may apply
- Please refer to discount code V353
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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