Pittsburgh – The City of Bridges
Known for its historic steel industry, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, also boasts a thriving arts and culture scene, along with character to match. The Appalachian city’s iconic skyline is adorned with hundreds of bright yellow bridges and striking architecture that break up its nearly 100 neighborhoods. For a memorable night out, visit Shadyside, Lawrenceville or The Strip. Or go for a day trip to one of Pittsburgh’s most famous museums. The Andy Warhol Museum, showcasing the Pittsburgh-native artist's life and works, is a highlight. Other standouts include the mentally stimulating Frick Art Museum and Carnegie Science Center. Or perhaps take a stroll through one of Steel City’s 29 beautiful college campuses. For picturesque views of the entire city, climb aboard the Duquesne or Monongahela Inclines and walk the scenic overlook.
Getting There
Take the Pennsylvanian to Pittsburgh Union Station (PGH). Located in the Golden Triangle, the station provides easy access to major attractions like The Point, the convention center and The Strip market district.

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