Hershey, Pennsylvania – Fun for the Whole Family
If you’ve never heard of the city of Hershey, Pennsylvania, the name likely sounds familiar. Hershey is the home to the famous Milton S. Hershey, founder and initial leader of the iconic chocolate company. Hershey built a park for his employees to enjoy that evolved into today’s family-friendly chocolate-themed amusement park destination. In addition to chocolatey fun, countless golf courses take advantage of the countryside’s rolling hills. Already perfected your swing? Make time for shopping, going to a spa, a concert, or one of the many other local attractions. Spend a weekend exploring all this sweet city has to offer.
Getting There
Take the Keystone or Pennsylvanian to the Harrisburg (HAR), Elizabethtown (ELT) or Middletown (MID) stations. Hershey is 22 minutes by car from Harrisburg and 20 minutes from Elizabethtown station.

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