Penn Station Access Infrastructure Project

MTA-Sponsored Railroad Improvement Plan Impacts Amtrak Customers Between New York & Boston
Amtrak is coordinating with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to support the Penn Station Access Project on the Hell Gate Line. This project will transform the region by constructing four new Metro-North stations in the Bronx and allowing Metro-North trains to travel to New York Penn Station for the first time. When completed in 2027, Amtrak and Metro-North customers will benefit from improved reliability, faster travel times, and more travel options. In addition to providing track access for the work, Amtrak is investing $500 million into this project.
What's the Timing of This Project?
Amtrak will be providing track outages to support MTA crews and contractors working on the Hell Gate Line infrastructure upgrades and bringing the line into a state of good repair. As part of the project, Amtrak needs to take one track out of service at a time to conduct this work. Since the Hell Gate Line currently features only two tracks in most places, removing one from service will result in northbound and southbound trains having to take turns operating on a single track on this segment.
The first phase of this project took place from March - September 2023. The second phase will last three months, between May and August 2024, and requires some minor schedule adjustments for services between New York, Boston and Springfield, MA.
What are the Scope and Benefits of This Project?
This project will offer many benefits to underserved Bronx residents, including equitable transit access & faster trips to Manhattan via Metro-North trains. The project will also result in a modernized and rehabilitated railroad, benefitting Amtrak customers with a more comfortable and reliable journey. The work will include:
- Adding eight miles of new tracks (expanding from a two-track to a four-track railroad in most locations)
- Rehabilitating 11 miles of existing tracks
- Rehabilitating four bridges
- Adding four new interlockings
- Modernizing signal, power, and communication infrastructure.
- Construction of four new, fully accessible Metro-North stations
How Can I Find More Information About This Project?
Read more about the Penn Station Access Project on the MTA project page.
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