Packing Your Luggage
Before you arrive at the station, make sure your baggage is packed appropriately in suitable containers.
Containers must be able to withstand necessary handling and weather elements. Unsuitable containers like plastic containers, woven fabric zipper bags, trash bags, containers that let sharp/pointed items protrude, containers that cannot securely hold their contents or prevent exposure to weather, or any item that is deemed unfit for rail transportation will not be accepted.
Examples of Unsuitable Containers

All items should contain an ID tag. Free tags are available at our stations.
Items being transported for business or resident relocation are not allowed. Contents must be necessary for wear, use, comfort, or convenience of the passenger for the purpose of the trip.
First Class Private Rooms
If you will be traveling in a private room, we recommend you follow these baggage limits to get the most out of your experience and avoid storage issues:
- Roomette: Two overnight bags
- Family Room: Two to three suitcases
- Bedroom: Two suitcases
- Accessible Bedroom: Two suitcases and a wheelchair
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