Pacific Surfliner Offers No Cost and Discounted Transit Connections
Pacific Surfliner Offers No Cost and Discounted Transit Connections
Use Your Train Ticket and Connect to Local Destinations in Southern California
Many Pacific Surfliner stations are within walking distance to top restaurants, shops and attractions. Board a bus or shuttle to travel to even more destinations, including the Disneyland® Resort in Anaheim, the Santa Barbara Zoo and countless local gems. Many transit providers offer a free connection to Pacific Surfliner passengers.
How It Works.
Show your valid Pacific Surfliner paper ticket or eTicket to the driver when you board a connecting bus or shuttle operated by one of the participating agencies below* and ride for free.
Participating Agencies
San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority, SLO Transit, South County Transit, Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District, Gold Coast Transit, Ventura County Transportation Commission Intercity Bus, Glendale Beeline, Anaheim Resort Transportation, Orange County Transportation Authority, iShuttle, North County Transit District
Learn More
Visit the Pacific Surfliner to get more trip ideas and destinations accessible via transit connections.
*Free connections not available on LA Metro and San Diego MTS. Buy a discounted Day Pass to use either of these transit systems in the Café Car.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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