Coach Class Seating on Unreserved Services
Coach Class Seating on Unreserved Services
Coach class features wide, comfortable reclining seats with ample legroom. There is also a fold-down tray, individual reading light, and a 120v electric outlet at each seat. Other onboard amenities include restrooms in each coach, overhead baggage storage and complimentary WiFi.
The Pacific Surfliner and Capitol Corridor routes offer unreserved coach seating, which provides maximum flexibility when deciding on your travel travel. Unreserved coach tickets allow you to take an earlier or later train, or even ride at a later date, without having to make a change to the reservation. Your ticket is valid for travel between the listed station pair up to one year from the date of the reservation (with certain restrictions).
Seating in coach class on unreserved trains is not guaranteed. Pacific Surfliner passengers can to Business Class (for an additional cost), which offers a guaranteed seat, as well as other perks like complimentary snacks and drinks.
Business Class and Thruway Bus tickets are linked to specific trains/buses, so you will need to modify your reservation (at no cost) in advance if your trip includes these services.
Pet Reservations
Unreserved trains require pet reservations. Your pet reservation is only valid for the date specified on your ticket. This type of reservation is less flexible than standard unreserved tickets.
Traveling with Car Seats
Child car seats cannot be secured to any seats onboard Amtrak trains or buses. Passengers traveling with an infant/small child in a child car seat may place the seat in a vacant seat only if it is not needed for a paying passenger; children under 2 years of age may be required to ride on the passenger’s lap and the child car seat stored in an appropriate baggage area.
Devices with Sound
Headphones or earphones are required for all devices that emit sound.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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