Take the Train to Detroit, Michigan

There's Always More to See in the Motor City
Celebrate the city of innovators at the Henry Ford Museum and the Motown Museum. Savor the city’s rich ethnic history with the great flavors of Greece, Lebanon and Poland. Get cultured at the Detroit Opera House and the Detroit Institute of the Arts or thrill to the speed and spray of hydroplane races on the Detroit River.
Getting There
With three daily roundtrip trains, getting to Detroit station is easy.
There's Always More to See in the Motor City
Celebrate the city of innovators at the Henry Ford Museum and the Motown Museum. Savor the city’s rich ethnic history with the great flavors of Greece, Lebanon and Poland. Get cultured at the Detroit Opera House and the Detroit Institute of the Arts or thrill to the speed and spray of hydroplane races on the Detroit River.
Getting There
With three daily roundtrip trains, getting to Detroit station is easy.
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