Take the Train to Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Experience Brews, Bikes and Beaches in Milwaukee
Home to craft breweries, world-famous brands, and the Brewers, there's a reason why Milwaukee is known as the “original brew city”. The one of a kind Harley-Davidson museum and magnificent Lake Michigan beaches ensure that the city is fun for all ages. Milwaukee’s lively arts and music scene is on full display throughout the city, especially during Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival. Make the most out of your trip to Milwaukee by avoiding the traffic and taking the train.
Getting There
With 14 trains daily (Monday - Saturday) between Chicago and Milwaukee and 12 on Sunday, getting to the Milwaukee intermodal station is easy.
Experience Brews, Bikes and Beaches in Milwaukee
Home to craft breweries, world-famous brands, and the Brewers, there's a reason why Milwaukee is known as the “original brew city”. The one of a kind Harley-Davidson museum and magnificent Lake Michigan beaches ensure that the city is fun for all ages. Milwaukee’s lively arts and music scene is on full display throughout the city, especially during Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival. Make the most out of your trip to Milwaukee by avoiding the traffic and taking the train.
Getting There
With 14 trains daily (Monday - Saturday) between Chicago and Milwaukee and 12 on Sunday, getting to the Milwaukee intermodal station is easy.
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