Take the Train to Kansas City, Missouri

Come for the BBQ, Stay for the Jazz
Venture across both sides of the Kansas River on your quest to find the most mouth-watering Kansas City barbecue. Take a stroll through 18th & Vine and relax as the sound of its iconic jazz plays in the background. For even more culture, explore the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art or head over to the impressive Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts for a show.
Getting There
With six daily trains, getting to Kansas City - Union Station is easy.
Come for the BBQ, Stay for the Jazz
Venture across both sides of the Kansas River on your quest to find the most mouth-watering Kansas City barbecue. Take a stroll through 18th & Vine and relax as the sound of its iconic jazz plays in the background. For even more culture, explore the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art or head over to the impressive Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts for a show.
Getting There
With six daily trains, getting to Kansas City - Union Station is easy.
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