Invite Your Friends to Join Amtrak Guest Rewards
Earn 500 Points per Person When Friends Travel Within 90 Days

With the Amtrak Guest Rewards Refer-A-Friend program, you can get 500 bonus points per qualifying referral. So, start spreading the news. Tell your friends about all of the earning opportunities, bonus points promotions and exclusive offers. Once your friend, or friends, join and take a paid trip within 90 days, you'll receive 500 bonus points per qualifying referral.
Read the full terms and conditions.
Here's How It Works
You must be a member of the Amtrak Guest Rewards program. Log in at and go to your My Account page and then click on 'My Promotions' where you'll:
- Look for the Refer-A-Friend link.
- Provide email addresses of potential Amtrak Guest Rewards members.
- We'll email each referral, inviting them to join the program.
- 500 bonus points will be deposited into your account for each referral that travels within 90 days of online enrollment.
Help your friends to earn free travel, invite them to join today at
Terms & Conditions
- Offer applies when referring new members only.
- Bonus points earned offer are not applied toward Amtrak Guest Rewards tier status.
- Members cannot refer any person at their own e-mail address or at an e-mail address already in use by an existing member.
- In order to qualify, the referred member must enroll and take a paid trip on Amtrak in the 90 days following enrollment.
- The e-mail address provided in the new member’s profile must match the one submitted by the referring member.
- To earn points, members must provide their member number when making reservations.
- Referring member can only receive up to 50 referral bonuses in the lifetime of their Amtrak Guest Rewards membership.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
Forgot Password?
Passwords are case sensitive, should be at least 10 characters long and should include 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alpha character, 1 number and 1 special character. ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` < | > ~
Enter the email address or member number associated with your account. We will send password reset instructions.
An email with password reset instructions is on the way.
That answer wasn’t correct either. We’ve sent you an email with instructions to reset your password instead.