Get Your Ticket to Fun and Educational Activities
Learn about the railroad and the many places you can go. Be sure to stop by again. We’ll be adding more stops soon.
Geography Junction

Travel to national parks and historic landmarks.
Train your eagle eye on the photos and find the differences.
Find the Differences in Ashland
Find the Differences in Baltimore
Find the Differences in Philadelphia
Find the Differences in Los Angeles
Find the Differences in Kansas City
Find the Differences in Albuquerque
Find the Differences in Chicago
Find the Differences in Boston
Coloring Crossroads

Stop by and add some color to the pages.
Color a Conductor and a Passenger
Color the Sightseer Lounge Car
Color the Capitol Corridor View
Color the Capitol Corridor History
Game Time Junction

Put on your conductor’s hat to play games and puzzles.
San Joaquins Destination Word Search
San Joaquins Destination Word Search 2
More Amtrak Fun
Station Safety
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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