Plan Your Amtrak Travel Experience

To get the most out of your Amtrak experience, start with planning for your train travel — booking a ticket, reserving a hotel, car rental, buying travel insurance, familiarizing yourself with station facilities, train amenities, reserving accessible space and more.

Start here if you're curious about seating options, private sleeping accommodations or meals and dining. Then take a look at the baggage guidelines to see what you can bring along.
At the Station

Use our station search tool to find a specific station. Or browse information about station lounges, at-station baggage services and how to pre-purchase guaranteed parking.
Planning and Booking

Before you leave, learn how to make reservations and get tickets, baggage guidelines, and how to reserve hotels and rental cars. Then check out our neighborhood walking guides.
Accessible Travel Services

Explore the additional services available for passengers with disabilities and get more details about making reservations, traveling with service animals, meal service and station accessibility.
Tickets, ID, Safety & Security

Have a safe, secure trip with the help of these guidelines. See border crossing details or just make sure you have proper ID for you and your bags.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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