eTicketing - Your Ride is Just a Barcode Away

eTickets simplify the ticketing process and enhance your travel experience with Amtrak — no waiting in ticket lines at the station and no mailing cost. eTicketing is available on nearly all Amtrak train routes and Thruway connecting bus services throughout the nation.
If you're taking a Capitol Corridor train, changing your travel plans is a little different, so we've included those details too.
Book Your Trip
The easiest way to book your trip is on or the mobile app. You'll receive your eTicket as a PDF attachment to your emailed receipt. You can even retrieve your eTicket in the app.
Show Your eTicket
Open the eTicket on your mobile device and show the barcode to the conductor.
You can even print your eTicket before you arrive at the station.
One eTicket All Travelers
Use only one eTicket for a group of up to 8 passengers under the same reservation and for all of your travel segments — there's no need for separate tickets for each traveler or leg of your trip.
Questions About eTicketing?
Getting and using eTickets is pretty simple, but you still may have some questions. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
Forgot Password?
Passwords are case sensitive, should be at least 10 characters long and should include 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alpha character, 1 number and 1 special character. ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` < | > ~
Enter the email address or member number associated with your account. We will send password reset instructions.
An email with password reset instructions is on the way.
That answer wasn’t correct either. We’ve sent you an email with instructions to reset your password instead.