Employee Experience & Culture
We are People on the Move
This country has changed in many ways since Amtrak began over 50 years ago, and times have called on Amtrak to expand its horizons — both inside and outside the company.
As America’s railroad, we strive to deliver value for the American people and create a workplace that reflects the communities we serve. We are making transformational investments to not only renew our fleets and modernize our major stations and infrastructure — but to hire people to bring rail to millions more Americans.
Our company’s future depends on enabling a talented team to reach its full potential. To be great, we must be a high-performing team where we value, trust and support each other across teams, functions and locations. Our culture will continue to shape our interactions, influence how we get work done by building stronger collaboration, foster a welcoming environment free from harassment and discrimination and enhance employee engagement.
We are building Amtrak as an excellent destination for new hires and employees who choose to stay and grow their careers with us. We are creating a workplace where everyone can feel welcomed, celebrated and respected. Every day, we seek to develop new skills, knowledge and abilities to drive growth and innovation to help us maximize our business results. We work together to build a collaborative and connected community to achieve our shared goals and deliver results.
Learn about opportunities available by visiting our Careers site.
Connecting Communities
Amtrak is about connecting communities. With a presence in more than 500 cities and towns nationwide, and two Canadian provinces, Amtrak strives to be a good neighbor and valuable partner to the communities we serve. We do this by engaging with the community to help our neighbors understand the scope and impact of Amtrak projects, while also serving as a conduit for community feedback, questions and concerns, supporting nonprofit organizations through programs like On Track for Good and volunteerism.
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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