Discover the Wonderous Grand Canyon by Train

Let the Grand Canyon Fill You With Awe
One of the world's most beloved attractions, Grand Canyon National Park never fails to dazzle its visitors. "The Grand Canyon fills me with awe. It is beyond comparison — beyond description; absolutely unparalleled through-out the wide world" — Theodore Roosevelt.
Discover endless activities and attractions within the park, including taking a hike around the canyon rim or into the canyon itself, embarking on a river trip, or taking in the breathtaking aerial views of the canyon on a helicopter tour.
Keep an eye open for wildlife, like bighorn sheep, bears and elk. And above all, don't forget to bring your camera. We have over 20 Grand Canyon rail vacation packages to choose from. Begin and end your journey from any of the 500 Amtrak train stations.
Some of our most popular:
Grand Canyon Getaway: 4 Days
This rail vacation allows you to discover the splendor of Grand Canyon National Park and all the beauty. Enjoy a stay at the South Rim, a Motorcoach Rim Tour, three meals included and more.
Rails to the Grand Canyon: 5 Days
Board the Southwest Chief in Los Angeles and enjoy the picturesque scenery of the great American Southwest as you venture over to Arizona and then on to the Grand Canyon. Enjoy a steamliner train ride, a motorcoach rim tour and three included meals.
Grand National Parks with Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon: 13 Days
Discover America's stunning landscapes on the Grand National Parks rail journey with Amtrak Vacations. Explore Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. Enjoy breathtaking views, majestic peaks and unforgettable experiences in these iconic national parks.
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