Most Amtrak routes offer Cafe service, with a variety of meals, snacks and beverages for sale. Customers in all classes of service are invited to the Cafe and service is available from early morning until late at night.

Sample Menus
Menus vary by route, but you can get a taste of Cafe service selections here:
- Auto Train Coach Menu
- Auto Train First Class Lounge Menu
- Borealis Cafe Menu
- Cafe Acela Menu
- Amtrak Cascades Menu
- Amtrak Midwest Menu
- Capitol Corridor Menu
- Downeaster Menu
- Heartland Flyer Menu
- Missouri River Runner Menu
- Northeast Regional Menu
- Pacific Surfliner Market Cafe Menu
- San Joaquins Menu
(Not available on trains 702, 703, 712 & 717) - Winter Park Express Menu
Sample Menus
Menus vary by route, but you can get a taste of Cafe service selections here:
- Auto Train Coach Menu
- Auto Train First Class Lounge Menu
- Borealis Cafe Menu
- Cafe Acela Menu
- Amtrak Cascades Menu
- Amtrak Midwest Menu
- Capitol Corridor Menu
- Downeaster Menu
- Heartland Flyer Menu
- Missouri River Runner Menu
- Northeast Regional Menu
- Pacific Surfliner Market Cafe Menu
- San Joaquins Menu
(Not available on trains 702, 703, 712 & 717) - Winter Park Express Menu
Our menus are updated regularly, so selections and prices are subject to change.
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