Save on Amtrak Travel to Maine
Save on Amtrak Travel to Maine
Take the train to Maine and bring a friend for half price
With five round-trips daily from Boston North Station, the Downeaster is your car free connection to iconic Maine destinations. Buy one adult full fare ticket and bring a friend for half price.
To receive this special fare, begin your travel search from this page or use code V114 in the Amtrak app. Three-day advance purchase required.
Visit Portland, Maine
Named one of the nations best foodie cities year after year, Portland is home to award winning locally sourced bars and restaurants. Upscale overnight accommodations. Eccentric shops and more.
- Valid for (1) one 50% off companion rail fare with the purchase of one regular (full) adult fare•
- Valid for Travel:
- Downeaster trains only
- Trains 681, 683, 688, 691, 693, and 698 only
- Advance Purchase Requirement:
- 3-Day Advance Purchase
- Valid for coach seats only; no upgrades are permitted
- The discounted companion and full-fare passenger must travel together on the same itinerary, have tickets issued together & is subject to the same restrictions and conditions as the full-fare passenger
- Fares are subject to availability
- Seating is limited and may not be always available on all trains
- Subject to any restrictions, blackouts, and refund rules that apply to the type of fare purchased
- Fares, routes, and schedules are subject to change without notice
- Once travel has begun, no changes to the itinerary are permitted
- Cancellation fees may apply
- Not combinable with any other discount offer
- Not valid on bookings made with Amtrak Guest Rewards Points
- Not valid on Points & Cash bookings
- Other restrictions may apply
- Please refer to discount code V114
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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