Business Travel Roomette
The Business Travel Roomette is ideal for one or two passengers, with two comfortable seats on either side of a big picture window. At night, the seats convert to a comfortable bed, and an upper berth folds down from above. Roomettes are located on both upper and lower levels of our double-decker Superliner train cars.
Business Travel Roomette
The Business Travel Roomette is ideal for one or two passengers, with two comfortable seats on either side of a big picture window. At night, the seats convert to a comfortable bed, and an upper berth folds down from above. Roomettes are located on both upper and lower levels of our double-decker Superliner train cars.
- Room (Superliner) 3'6" x 6'6"
- Room (Viewliner) 3'6" x 6'8"
- Superliner: No
- Viewliner: Yes
- Lower Berth 2'4" x 6'6"
- Upper Berth 2'0" x 6'2"
- None
- 2 Adults
- 1-2 Suitcases

Features & Amenities
- Meals not included
- Space for one or two passengers
- Sink and toilet in room; showers nearby in same car (Viewliner)
- Restrooms & showers nearby in same car (Superliner)
- Two comfortable seats convert to a bed
- Upper bed folds down from above
- Two large windows
- Electrical outlet
- Climate control
- Individual reading lights
- Garment rack
- Fold-down table
- Fresh towels and bed linens
- Soap and shower amenities
- Personal service (bed turn-down, coffee)
- Bottled water
Features & Amenities
- Meals not included
- Space for one or two passengers
- Sink and toilet in room; showers nearby in same car (Viewliner)
- Restrooms & showers nearby in same car (Superliner)
- Two comfortable seats convert to a bed
- Upper bed folds down from above
- Two large windows
- Electrical outlet
- Climate control
- Individual reading lights
- Garment rack
- Fold-down table
- Fresh towels and bed linens
- Soap and shower amenities
- Personal service (bed turn-down, coffee)
- Bottled water
Amtrak Guest Rewards
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