Amtrak WiFi
We’ve added free onboard WiFi to a lot of our trains and stations!
You can check if your favorite train or nearest station has WiFi here.
If you’re reading this while on one of our trains, wait before setting off to do your surfing. Let’s talk about what the current system can handle.
The Golden Rule of Amtrak WiFi is it supports general web browsing.
Since a large majority of us are carrying the Internet in our pockets, there are a lot of devices potentially drawing on the system. On the trains, however, there’s limited bandwidth.
We’re working on improving that as we speak, but for now our WiFi does not support high-bandwidth actions like streaming music, streaming video or downloading large files. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the scenery outside your window is just as captivating!
For the best WiFi experience, try these three quick tips:
- Sign on with one device: Avoid signing on with your tablet, cell phone and laptop all at once. Pick one main device to browse on.
- Download large files at home: Before leaving for the station, load up your devices with entertainment or that crucial PowerPoint so you don’t have to rely on WiFi to stream or download large files live on the train.
- Know your train: Some cars offer VPN access, others don’t. VPNs are supported only onboard Acela, Capitol Corridor, Pacific Surfliner and San Joaquin trains. Other trains have only select cars that offer WiFi. Those trains are listed here.

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