Amtrak Red Cap Baggage Assistance at Your Service
Whether you’re a solo traveler navigating the station for the first time or a family of five with tons of baggage, everyone could use a hand navigating one of our busiest stations. That’s why we have our Red Cap service – dedicated Amtrak staff you can count on for free baggage handling assistance.
In select station, we offer Red Cap service to assist Amtrak riders with baggage to and from their trains. But our dedicated Red Cap Team Amtrak members do more than just carry luggage.
They help passengers with disabilities, senior citizens and large groups navigate the station, they operate motorized vehicles (to carry your 50lbs bags), wheelchair lifts, ramps and provide general assistance to visitors of the station (after all, sometimes those bathrooms are hard to find).
If you’re traveling with us in the near future and would like to use the service, you can find our Red Caps stationed at the front of the station or in the Red Cap area in the main station concourse. You can also give them a wave to flag one down when you arrive at the station. But before we lend that helpful hand, take note of four key things to keep in mind:
– We recommend that you only accept assistance from official uniformed Red Cap agents
– Agents are easy to spot – just look for the employees in red shirts and caps
– Our Red Cap service is free for all Amtrak riders (though you’re welcome to tip if you’d like!)
– Red Cap agents are not able to assist Amtrak passengers in the garage
Has one of our Red Cap service team members gone above and beyond for you? Let us know on the X app.

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