Apply to the Amtrak Gives Back Program

Amtrak’s mission is to deliver intercity transportation with superior safety, customer service and financial excellence. Amtrak Gives Back aligns with our mission through the support of local and national non-profit organizations making a positive impact in the community. It is our comprehensive approach for making a positive difference in the communities we serve and includes employee volunteerism, engaging communities on critical infrastructure projects, supporting local and national non-profit organizations and partnering with organizations for deeper impact.

Our efforts are focused on three areas:
Strengthening connections in Amtrak served communities and regions where we aim to expand service
- Career exploration opportunities
- Supporting non-profit organizations focused on STEM
- In-kind travel to support transportation to special events such as Special Olympics
Beautifying and preserving our communities
- Supporting community clean-ups
- Tree planting efforts
- Raising awareness of environmental stewardship
Making our stations, railroads and communities safer
- Supporting railroad history and safety education
- Combating homelessness
- Supporting preparedness and disaster relief efforts
90-Day Advance Notice Required
Due to the large numbers of requests that we receive, we ask that you submit your proposal at least 90 days prior to the start date of your event.
It will take up to 60 business days to review your application.
Our team will review your proposal and respond if there is an opportunity to move forward.
We Support
- Non-profit organizations that are registered as 501 (c)(3), 501(c)(4) or 501(c)7
- Non-profit organizations that are in alignment with Amtrak’s mission and values
- Non-profit organizations that are in alignment with at least one of our three focus areas
- Non-profit organizations that serve current or future Amtrak-served communities
We Do Not Support
- Organizations that are not 501 (c)(3), 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(7)
- Organizations that are political
- Organizations that do not align with Amtrak’s mission, values or at least one of our three focus areas
- Schools including public, private, charter, pre-K or universities and their support organizations (i.e. Booster Clubs, PTA/PTO’s, athletic teams, clubs, etc.)
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