Ivy City Maintenance Facility Solar Project
Amtrak is on the Fast Track to Sustainability
As an company with significant energy reduction goals and plans to expand investment into carbon-free energy, Amtrak looks for opportunities to advance renewable energy infrastructure that will help us reach our Net-Zero by 2045 goal. We are now leveraging the open rooftop spaces of our Washington, DC, Ivy City maintenance facility to host a photovoltaic solar energy generating system (PV system) that will generate electrical power for on-site consumption by Amtrak for 20 years.
In 2021, Amtrak negotiated a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with DSD Renewables (DSD), to finance, design, build, own, operate, and maintain the PV system. In July 2024, DSD completed construction of the PV system which consists of solar panels constructed on the rooftops of two buildings. The solar panels convert sunlight, a renewable energy source, into clean electricity which is used within each building. In accordance with the Power Purchase Agreement, Amtrak will buy 100% of the electricity produced at a discounted rate.
The PV system is expected to generate approximately 1,400 megawatt hours of energy per year, which will offset approximately 6% of the total average annual energy consumption of the entire facility. This is equivalent to removing 230 cars off the road per year.
Amtrak Maintenance Building & Commissary Building Rooftop Solar Installations
1,071.36 kWDC
779.76 kWDC
1,420,964 kWh/year
291.60 kWDC
Equivalent of Removing
236 Cars on the Road
Each Year
Sustainability at Amtrak
Amtrak has a goal to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity by 2030 – and we are over 60% of the way there. For success stories and to view our GRI and TCFD Index, read our annual Sustainability Report.
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