Baltimore Penn Station Investment and Development Program
Baltimore Penn Station Investment and Development Program
Find more information about the redevelopment of Baltimore Penn Station at BaltimorePennStation.com.
Quick Facts: Baltimore Penn Station Redevelopment & Expansion
Project Status
In Construction (Design-Build)
Customer Benefits
- Increased station passenger capacity
- Improved and expanded customer amenities
- Safety & security enhancements
- Multi-modal station access
- ADA accessibility improvements
- Building energy efficiency and sustainability improvements
- Economic development
Estimated Construction Completion
Station Renovation & Expansion: Estimated 2027
Latest Milestone
Station Exterior Envelope Construction
Upcoming Milestones
2024: Start of construction for remaining station SOGR improvements and station expansion
Project Partners
Amtrak, U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), Penn Station Partners, Central Baltimore Partnership, City of Baltimore
Funding Sources
Amtrak, FRA
Baltimore Penn Station is a major multimodal transportation hub serving the greater Baltimore region and is a vital link along the busy Northeast Corridor.
With its classic Beaux-Arts architecture, the historic station was built in 1911 and anchors the Charles North District in Baltimore City. As the 8th busiest station in Amtrak’s national system, Penn Station serves Amtrak’s high speed Acela, Northeast Regional and long-distance train services. In addition, the commuter operations of MARC’s Penn Line, the city’s light rail and bus service can all be accessed via the station.
As a vital transportation gateway and treasured community asset, Amtrak is committed to the continuous improvement of Baltimore - Penn Station. In 2017, Amtrak selected Penn Station Partners, a Baltimore based team with global expertise, as its master development partner for the redevelopment of Baltimore Penn Station and neighboring Amtrak-owned properties. The team is comprised of Beatty Development Group, Cross Street Partners, Gensler, WSP USA, Network Rail Consulting and Mace Group among others. The goal of this Master Development is to generate additional investment capital for station infrastructure needs, as well as serve as an economic catalyst for the city.
Program Photos

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